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Before embarking upon this new year . . .

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

The launching of a ship, the start of each new voyage or the first step of an adventure, begins with an idea, dream, wish, or plan.

No captain worth their salt would launch a ship into unfamiliar waters without first utilizing all their experience, knowledge, and skill toward the task. There would be no rush to hoist the sails or set a course toward unknown hazards. First, she would find a trustworthy crew, supply the ship, and watch the tides come and go for a time. She would observe how the waters moved and eddied around the coast, watching for hidden reefs, shoals, and hazards at low tide. Only then would she set a course to ease her ship out from shore, safely—at least until reaching open waters—and the acknowledged unknown.

Here at the start of 2022, I would like to gently suggest that we all do the same. Don’t be in a rush to launch into this bright-seeming new year.

Much has changed in the past two years, and much uncertainty remains.

I know one thing; we are all experiencing profound exhaustion.

It’s an insidious bone stripper of hope, energy, and coping mechanisms. Its power is born of isolation, uncertainty, fear, loss, and long-term endurance trials.

This holiday season almost broke me. How did you fare?

My attempts to reclaim and recreate symbolic memories of the past have taken a heavy toll. Despite collective efforts and teamwork, my family made it to the end of each day, falling into bed each night like battle-weary villagers whose huts and fields have been threatened with daily destruction by marching armies.

But love remains.

Be in no rush to launch your vessel into 2022.

Instead, ease into the waters of the new year, rather than jumping off the end of the pier without knowing how deep the water is. Slip slowly out into these virgin waters after giving yourself a moment to assess the tides and chart a preliminary course.

Let’s start the new year with the intention of taking some well-earned rest, restoring our strength, building more resilience (yes, I’m sick of that word too), and welcoming renewed hope—as protection against whatever challenges the year may hold.

Rather than proclaiming a total make-over, with a long list of well-meaning resolutions that may fall by the wayside, consider one or two small goals to start. Choose to start one new habit that will support your mental and physical health and choose one self-care ritual for soul growth. Consider these small goals as provisioning your ship while you assess the waters of this new year.

It doesn’t matter whether you need 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months to chart your new course; the year and its challenges, those known and those yet to be revealed, will still remain.

As Regent Women, we have considerable experience, skill, and wisdom to marshal toward achieving our new goals and dreams. Regency is a 25-year life stage from 45-70. You will change as much in these 25 years as you did in your first 25 years. The first 25 years were about physical growth, these 25 years are about soul growth.

Give yourself the gift of time. Rest as much and as long as you can. Then you will be as ready as possible to relish the joys and endure the difficulties that life inevitably brings.


Dr. A.


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