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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Jan 19, 20223 min read
Empty Nest, No Regrets; Reclaiming Myself
2022 is well on its way. How are you doing? I'm about to cross the final threshold of an empty nest and want to share some of my...
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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Oct 13, 20215 min read
Seasons of Home: on Endings, Beginnings, and the Plot Twists of Life
I just spent three out of the last five weekends helping my daughter move back to Sacramento. Let me just say I'm exhausted. She lived on...
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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Aug 30, 20214 min read
Your Wild Summer & Powerful Harvest
I had hoped that this summer, the world would calm down. Nope. For me, this has been a summer of deep joy and desolate disappointment....
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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Mar 8, 20212 min read
Mythic Monday! What Would Athena do? International Women's Day / Challenging inequity
Happy International Women's Day! This year's theme is Challenging Inequity. Well, that is a timely topic considering the Pandemic has...
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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Feb 22, 20214 min read
Mythic Mondays! Women's Power Years: Ages 45-70
Through myth, for thousands of years, women's lives have been represented in three life stages, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. These three...
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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Oct 30, 20202 min read
yearning for home . . .
I was taken aback by the strength of the patterning that had led me to drive to the wrong house.
The wrong house, where my dad . . .
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Dr. Andrea M. Slominski - Founder
Oct 27, 20202 min read
empty nest: loss, expectation & dissapointment
Empty nest is a rite of passage that some can see coming, and others think, "I can't wait!" until it sneaks up on the most independent . . .
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