Women's Wisdom Village | Sun. 7/26
Sun, Jul 26
|Zoom Meeting
Epiphany Journal Mini-Workshop

Jul 26, 2020, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM PDT
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
Epiphany Mini-Journal Workshop
Are you a woman between 40 and 70? Have the past 5 months put your plans and dreams on hold?
Are you feeling anxious?
Do you worry about your own health and your loved ones?
Do you feel stuck, unhappy, sad, and fearful?
Are you having trouble sleeping?
Are you having trouble seeing or planning your next move?
If any of this describes you, then I’m inviting you to join me on Sunday evening July 26th, when we'll address the challenges we are facing as Midlife Women during this unprecedented time in history.
Using my free Epiphany Journal as a guide, we'll look at where we came from, where we are now, and where we want to go in our lives. The Epiphany Journal is filled with thoughtful questions, inspiring images, and quotes to use as a springboard forward.
Diving in together will help us to harness the energy of this difficult time, and will encourage us to create a vision for our journeys ahead. We will explore the chapters of our story and consider how women throughout mythology have emerged victorious from hardship.
Tapping into the ancient stories of the women who came before us will connect us to our inner insight and guide us to take the first steps to consciously creating the next chapters of our lives.
Come and dialogue with a tribe of like-minded women. Discover the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are not alone.
Find relief from —Stress, Anxiety, and Fear.
And, begin to build a new foundation of hope and motivation by taking the first steps toward your future.
If you don't already have the Epiphany Journal, you will receive a link to download it, free, along with the private zoom link for the mini-workshop— all via email— after you register.
Please download, read the Journal, and begin to work with it before the July 26th gathering.
What can we learn from the time we are living through? Where is our power, and how should we wield it? Join me to explore the ancient hopeful truths and power that lives within the myths of the universal experience of being a woman.
Dr. A. is a cultural mythologist and women's coach. Join her in weekly inspirational conversations, held online, about the big picture of being a woman in these times.
In each conversation, as women have done for millennia, we will gather at the well (ours will be virtual) to support each other and to find wisdom, insight, and clarity in uncertain times.
Enter the circle and:
- Experience new ways of understanding what we are going through today, from the wisdom in ancient myths and stories.
- Explore the legacy of wisdom from the profound universal experiences of being women.
- Broaden and deepen our thinking about our outer and inner worlds.
- Create a deeper connection to ourselves and to each other.
These weeks of social distancing and unrest can create more than stress and worry. We can emerge from this uncertain time with a story to tell about ourselves and our world. We can create a new vision for our lives, our families, our communities, and our world.
The Women's Wisdom Village meets on Zoom. Each gathering will last approximately 1 1/2 hours and welcome up to 20 women. The Zoom meeting code will be delivered via email upon registering. The fee is $5.15 per meeting, the cost of my favorite cuppa'. Buy me a cuppa' joe and join me in the Women's Wisdom Village. Some scholarships are available. Email Dr. A at info@drandreaslominski.com for more information, and to apply.