All Women Over 40 Will Cross Seven Realms of Change
Mon, Apr 03
We'll discuss: The Seven Realms of Change that women will go through during midlife. These range from the Realm of our self-image to the Realm of our changing priorities. As we go through physical, psychological, and spiritual changes, we can use the power within our story to help guide us forward.

Apr 03, 2023, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM PDT
About the Event
In this gathering of the Village, we'll discuss:
The Seven Realms of Change that we'll have to cross to reclaim ourselves during this time of profound change in women's lives. You'll explore which realms you will sail through with a fair wind, which ones may becalm you, and where you are likely to encounter storms.Â
Every woman is different. Each woman will need a different tribe of allies and guides to chart her course.
Who are the Goddesses that Rule the Seven Realms? We'll dive into the Greek pantheon to find our allies and challengers. Which goddesses from ancient traditions represent the archetypes of inner power in midlife that you are likely to encounter? Which ones might be your guides? Which one may try to pull you off course?
Dr. A. will share realistic Actions, Steps, and Strategies, that address the HOW of unlocking the power within Peri, Midlife, and Menopause. We'll discuss solutions to participate in, influence, and direct the physical, psychological and spiritual changes of this new life stage.
Seven Realms of Change
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